internet domain name sold, again!

24 10 2010 which is considered to be among the most valuable web addresses in the world, was sold by its bankrupt owner, Escom LLC for $13m (£8.2m)!!!

…the company said Clover Holdings Ltd was the successful bidder for the domain name. The deal is yet to be approved by the bankruptcy court.

It was not immediately clear what Clover Holdings plans to do with the web address.” in

What a great deal!

Why didn’t I have this idea of creating that domain before anybody else… :]

Browser choice screen

31 03 2010

Will IE survive this?

Cloud Computing

20 03 2010

Cloud computing is a new concept which refers to processing and memory use of computers interconnected across the internet.

Data storage is made in servers accessible from anywhere in the world, and any time, without being necessary  to install softwares or services. The access to these softwares, services and files is remotely achieved, across the internet. So it is more viable than using physical devices, providing portability, easier accessibility, easier to the user.

To be possible for a user to have access to his personal data, he just need a computer capable to reach an internet connection, independently of the platform. So your computer becomes a simple computer connected to the cloud.

The biggest advantage of cloud computing, is the possibility of using softwares without it being installed in the computer, regardless the Operative System and the hardware. Moreover, its usually free and reachable from anywhere and any time as it was previously said.

Those are great advantages, very useful to many users, however there is a matter of concern: security. Considering that data is online all the time, security can really become a problem.

Also there are privacy concerns…

Any way, cloud computing is here to make peoples life easier and it seems to have a great future! Let’s see how does it evolves…

Why are you not using BCC field to send emails?!

21 02 2010

BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) is a field where we can insert many email recipient addresses, without showing it to the other recipients.

It was created to simplify user tasks, but without any reason this simple function is never used.
So, why should we all use BCC field?

If we use the “to” field when we’re sending an email to several persons, the mail addresses become visible to all recipients and can be reaped by all recipients as well as from informatics virus, or other persons who have access to recipient computers.

This is a disrespect for others privacy and informatics security of all email recipients.

We can compare this to telling your friends home address to somebody who doesn’t know your friends at all…

There are different ways to your email address be used in a negative way by somebody with bad intentions. For instance, people get virus on their computers easier these days and it can automatically be sent to all contact addresses, or provide those email addresses to others who will sell it to companies that send us trash mail, making us loose our time, or even making somebody loosing an important mail in the middle of those trash mail messages.

So, to struggle against this inconvenience, just fill the “BCC” field of your email service, instead of the “to” field.

Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, Thunderbird, Outlook, all email services have this option! Just have in consideration that some email services require you to put at least one email address into the “to” field. So you can then introduce yours, which will be sent to all recipients anyway.

Since it is easy, secure, as well as a respect for others privacy and for internet users common welfare, those are great motivations to everybody use BCC.

If you just read this post, now you have no excuses to not start using BCC! 🙂

Opera Ad-Blocker

11 02 2010


Sometime ago, I said here on i4Mk that Firefox was my favourite browser, right? Well I changed my mind!

In a period of Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox domain, as well as a fast Google Chrome growth in users browser preferences, I found Opera the most interesting of the moment.

I have been testing Opera, and I found a fast and secure browser, full of great features.

One of them is the Opera functionality to block annoying ads.

It only takes a few clicks and works on several kinds of ads, including Google and video ads.

It is possible to easily select which ads we want to block and which, if any,  we want to keep:

1st Right-click on a blank part of the page where you want to block an ad, and select “Block Content” from the menu. All the ads and other page elements that you can block will remain in normal full color, while the non-advertising text will turn gray.

2nd Left-click on any ad that you want to block. A red bar that says “Blocked Image” will appear across the ad. You can block one, several or all of the ads on a page. If you block an ad and then change your mind, click on the ad again, and that will unblock it.

3rd Hold down the shift key while you click if you want to block only a specific ad, and not all the ads that are coming from the same source.

4th Click the “Done” button in the upper left corner when you have finished selecting ads.

Nice feature, isn’t it? 😉

If you want to optimize your ads filter, watch this.

Opera rulez! :]

Internet for peace

4 02 2010

Do you think the next Nobel peace prize should go to the Internet?

If you’re interested about this idea, go here.

Bill Gates with Twitter account!

30 01 2010

Bill Gates

Bill Gates is twittering…

After 24h he had more than 230.000 followers already, and now about 385.000!

If you wanna follow him:

French and German government alert for IE problems

19 01 2010

French and German governments, have recently alerted to security problems regarding Microsoft browser, Internet Explorer.

So, the french and german governments have advised their citizens to search for an alternative instead of IE.

The origin of these reactions are the recent attacks rooted at China, towards Google, which took advantage of IE vulnerability. Then google threatened to leave China…

Microsoft defends itself saying this is an IE version 6, vulnerability and the actual version is IE 8.

My opinion, is that Microsoft should give support to this version, providing security updates, because there are a lot of people who wrongly use this browser version yet.

To those persons, I really advice updating to the most recent version of IE.

We should keep evolving everydays about everything in our life. To stop is to die! 😉

This time happened with Microsoft Internet Explorer, in Future can happen with another browser. The updates exist for some reason…

Anyways, if you wanna follow the german and french advices, I suggest Opera, Chrome or Firefox (my favorite).

Phishing: Web pirates take advantage from Haiti earthquake…

15 01 2010

Phishing explanation

Another virus alarm!

Symantec alerted about many phishing attacks by hackers using false fundraising for the earthquake victims in Haiti.
Many dangerous mail messages and fake web pages originated this alert from Symantec.

Source: Exame Informática

Nowadays websurfers have to pay attention during their affairs in web…

Married people, Facebook Alarm!

23 12 2009

Are you married and addicted to social networks like Facebook?

Do you love your wife, or husband?

If you fit this group of people, be carefully!

The statistics say that 20% of the divorces in USA, is due to problems originated by Facebook…

“The Sun” says: “FACEBOOK has been blamed for the breakdown of thousands of MARRIAGES. And the most common reason is spouses engaging in saucy sex chat with their online “friends”.”

That’s Evolution! 😀