Cristiano Ronaldo is Facebook star…

29 06 2010

Cristiano Ronaldo, the portuguese football player, is the first athlete achieving more than 5 million Facebook fans!


IT Private Jokes #4

29 05 2010

FNN – Facebook News Network

Watch other IT Private Jokes, here.

Automation Labs Does Not Have Access To Your Facebook Profile

15 02 2010

A new privacy chain message is circulating across Facebook, which states that there are people who some how have gained access to your Facebook profile and are now spying on what you do (look at the image above).

As I confirmed here, this is not true.
Just type in your surname in the “Person” field instead of “Automation Labs” and you would be displayed with a list of people, all having your surname. This is Facebook’s way of asking exactly which individual do you want to block, in case the specified name isn’t precise enough.

2010: Viruses Targets

30 12 2009


According to a report issued by McAfee about the preffered virus targets in the New Year 2010, Twitter, Facebook and Acrobat Reader from Adobe will be the most attacked over the web.

Social networks, can be affected from applications that require the users login to access to their profiles. Installing these applications, users give the permission to unknown persons to access and control their accounts, probably starting the process of infecting other friends in their network.

Also in Twitter, the abbreviations of URLs which forward web surfers to unknown and potentially dangerous addresses, can be the main cyber attack method.

About Adobe, virus in PDF files will probably be widely spread.

Google Chrome, the new OS developed by google should also start turning hackers attention…

So start paying more attention to the above situations, if you want to keep your system safe during 2010… 😉

Source: Exame Informática

Facebook alarm, Part II

23 12 2009

“A TEENAGER has been knifed to death – allegedly by his best mate – after a bust-up over a message on Facebook.”

…Because of a “Disrespect” message.

Read more here.

This is madness!

There are many people addicted to these social networks needing a psychologist.

Facebook was supposed to be a networking place, not a dementia place…

This is NOT evolution!

Married people, Facebook Alarm!

23 12 2009

Are you married and addicted to social networks like Facebook?

Do you love your wife, or husband?

If you fit this group of people, be carefully!

The statistics say that 20% of the divorces in USA, is due to problems originated by Facebook…

“The Sun” says: “FACEBOOK has been blamed for the breakdown of thousands of MARRIAGES. And the most common reason is spouses engaging in saucy sex chat with their online “friends”.”

That’s Evolution! 😀